Sunday, September 12, 2010

Husband.....whatever is next

Whirlwind day today.  We got there, as confident as we have been about this whole process.  They ask Carli to get on her gown, and they have me put on some scrubs.

Fresh at 7:30 AM

Killer boots Man!!!

So I was all dressed and ready to go and Carli was all dressed and ready to go.  We were in pod 4 which was basically a modified storage area.  The Embyologist went to the three other pods and was telling all of them things like well we were able to retrieve 3 eggs and 2 of them were viable for transfer. Or 4 eggs and 1 viable.  Then they talked about how "well you're 42 years old so we will put as many viable blastocysts as possible in."

Then it's our turn.  We had 15 fertilized eggs so I'm expecting large numbers.  Well it was a bit of a wakeup call because of the 15, 3 were viable.  There were some that were close to what they were looking for but for the most part there were only 3 that stood out.  It's by no means a bad thing, it's just they were surprised at the lack of growth.  Who knows what it's from.  So that was totally the Debbie Downer of the whole morning. 

I just want to reiterate that there was nothing wrong with the fertilized eggs.  They were in the first stage of being a blastocyst.  They just wanted them to get a little bigger before they decided to put them in.

We were also disappointed because we were told to ask for a picture and they would be able to take one of the embryos.  Well that was broken.  I mean how do you not have a backup, or at least get the damn thing fixed.  It's such an important part of the process that I would think many many people would want to get it documented.  It really was neat too.  We got to see the fertilized eggs on a TV before they put them in.  They actually put two in too.  So there is a small possibility of twins. 

I love my wife so much and this is going to be a tough couple weeks for her.  So if you are reading this please don't be Sally Pester and ask all kinds of questions because it won't be easy to talk about.  If you have questions please ask me, and I will talk about it as much as I can.

I want to end with a pic that I know will make Carli very happy.
I love you!
 Corn Out!

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