Monday, September 27, 2010

OH HELL YES!! Hubby post

15 months of trying makes today really worth while. Today was a great day.  We had gotten like 5 positive pregnancy tests over the weekend, but to hear it from the Doc's office is an amazing feeling.  Other than the terrible canker sores today is surreal.  She does have to go back every couple of days to make sure her levels are where they should be.  If everything stays good then the question becomes.....Twins?

The weekend was a great one.  To be honest it's the first weekend we have had as a family where I think the weight was slightly lifted off our shoulders.  Everyone was in better moods, and things just seemed to go so well.  It felt like we didn't have anything to worry about for the first time in I can't remember how long.

It is also nice to know that both of our parts work the way those parts are supposed to.  We don't know if it was the boy parts or the girl parts that struggled and to be honest I think it's better that way.  All I know is that it's worked and things couldn't be better right now. 

Carli, I know you read this.....I love you so much!

Corn Out.......

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